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Sieve Bend Screen

The sieve bend screen is primarily used for the preliminary dewatering, de-intermediation, and desliming of materials with a relatively high liquid-solid ratio. Its structure mainly includes a feed box, screen surface, and under-screen collection funnel.

sieve bend screen

Equipment Selection Considerations:

  1. Severe material accumulation on the sieve bend screen surface, leading to poor material flow and reduced effective screen area.
  2. Excessive water runoff on the screen surface, failing to achieve the dewatering and de-intermediation purposes.

Feeding Method:

The feed box of the sieve bend screen can either use pressurized feeding or gravity feeding, with gravity feeding being predominant in coal preparation plants. To maximize the recovery of liquid from the feed, the feed rate of the sieve bend screen must be maintained within a certain speed range. Generally, when the classification particle size is between 50 and 150 μm, the feed rate of the sieve bend screen should be between 12 and 18 m/s, which requires pressurized feeding.

The liquid recovery rate is related to the Reynolds number; the larger the Reynolds number, the greater the liquid recovery rate. In other words, the narrower the slot spacing, the greater the required average flow rate. Common slot spacings range from 0.35 to 3 mm, and the average screen surface speed is within 3 m/s. At this time, the feed head is 500 mm, and the feed speed can be adjusted by regulating the feed box head.

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