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JX Filtration (97)

Wedge Wire Cylinder, Wedge Wire Basket, Wedge Wire Nozzle

Y-Type Filter: The Y-type filter is a coarse filter for pipelines, suitable for filtering large particles in liquids, gases, or other media. Installed on the pipeline, it removes larger solid impurities from the fluid, ensuring the normal operation of machinery and equipment (including compressors, pumps,…
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Stainless steel wedge wire nozzles can help users eliminate concerns associated with traditional plastic nozzles. Product Range: Features: Advantages: Although the unit price of stainless steel wedge wire nozzles is several times higher than that of plastic nozzles, their advantages far exceed their cost. After…
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Operating Principle: The raw material enters the filter through the inlet. During the filtration process, impurities in the water accumulate on the stainless steel filter screen, with impurities gradually building up on the inner layer. For manual cleaning, the motor continuously operates, driving the rotating…
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The basket strainer is a small device that removes a small amount of solid particles from liquids, protecting the normal operation of compressors, pumps, instruments, and other equipment. When the fluid enters the filter barrel with a specified mesh filter, impurities are blocked, and clean…
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Bar Spacing (1) The bar spacing of the screen before the pump should be determined according to the pump's requirements. (2) The bar spacing of the screen before the wastewater treatment system should meet the following requirements: maximum spacing is 40mm, with manual cleaning ranging…
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Working Principle Wastewater slowly flows into the rotary drum through the inlet. As the wastewater passes through the Rotary Drum Screen, it is filtered by the screen at the bottom of the drum, allowing the clean water to exit. Debris is trapped on the inner…
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Based on the shape of the screen, it can be divided into planar screens and curved screens. Based on the bar spacing, it can be classified into coarse screens (50~100mm), medium screens (10~40mm), and fine screens (3~10mm). According to the method of debris removal, it…
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The welded wedge wire panel is a mature and traditional type of screening panel. It is primarily composed of a stainless steel screen mesh and a frame made from stainless steel flat iron or Q235-A carbon steel flat iron. The stainless steel screen mesh is…
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I. Purpose and Introduction This Rotary Drum Screen is designed to remove solid particles larger than 80 mesh in suspension. Wastewater is lifted from the sewage collection tank to the microfiltration machine by a dedicated sewage pump. The special buffer tank ensures that the wastewater…
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The wedge wire panel is composed of screen wires and support rods, featuring high strength and excellent flatness. It can be made into various shapes such as rectangular, square, circular, and sector-shaped. Applications: Used in industries such as petroleum, papermaking, chemical, and food processing. Materials:…
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